Fire Safety

Important Information: Please read carefully.

If you still have any queries you can contact the chairman by emailing

Units are reminded that there are some very important rules pertaining to Surfmoot, this is due to the time of year and possibility of fire at the Eumeralla Campsite. Units are requested to carefully read this information before attending the event and adhere to it, failing to do so, will result in penalties for the unit. Requirements as they have been set by our Risk Management Procedures and approved by relevant government agencies.

As noted below, if you are using a generator at Surfmoot, it MUST COMPLY with the AS1851 standards, this means if your extinguishers have not been tested and inspected since Surfmoot 2023 and they are not inspected before Surfmoot 2024 you will not be permitted to use your generator. No excuses or discussion can be entered into.

The On-Site Fire Team will be checking for compliance during the weekend due to the critical nature of ensuring we meet these rules. This is for the safety of you and your fellow Rovers!

Generator Rules

  • Generators are permitted at Surfmoot in line with these rules.
  • Fuel sources (jerry cans, etc) must be at least 5 metres from any operating generator, fire or stove.
  • Generators must be on a trailer, in an open area with 10 metres clearance of tents or other combustibles such as trees.
  • Extinguishers must meet AS1851 which includes correct tagging, condition and inspection requirements. If you have not had your extinguisher inspected and checked since last year, you either need to replace it or ensure it is tested prior to Surfmoot 2024.
  • Units using generators must have a 9kg (minimum) extinguisher available suitable for combat of Class ABE fires. The extinguisher must be charged and appropriately tagged to Australian Standards. You cannot “combine” multiple fire extinguishers to make up the 9kg.
  • Generators must be completely off by midnight

Cooking & other Fire Safety Rules

  • Surfmoot is an at risk site to fire, there are to be no solid fuel fires for cooking or warmth. High risk devices such as fireworks, sparklers and the like are prohibited!
  • Smoking only in Surfmoot designated smoking areas and all cigarette butts disposed of in the designated bins. Please see the Surfmoot Site Map for smoking area locations.
  • Cooking must be conducted in designated areas as per the map provided in the Surfmoot Program.
  • Fuel based appliances (including but not limited to: Stoves, BBQ, Gas Lanterns, Gas Fridges) can only be used in the designated cooking areas
  • It is possible that a Total Fire Ban is declared by State Authorities during the event, ensure you have contingencies available to you for cooking and meals. No portable stoves or appliances are permitted on days of Total Fire Ban.
  • Spare fuel sources (including but not limited to: gas cylinders and jerry cans) must be at least 5 metres from any operating appliance. Cylinders in active supply of gas (e.g. next to a BBQ while you are using it) are exempt from the 5 metre rule.
  • Inspect hoses and fittings for possible damage from transit before any equipment is used.
  • A suitably capable adult must be supervising the use of any cooking appliance at all times. You must have the capacity and awareness to be able to extinguish the appliance in the event of an incident or a fire.

Also, please follow these instructions with regards to the working condition of any gas appliances:

Due to the very nature of the need to move our gas appliances around, such as going on camps, completing fundraising or other activities. Scouting places strain on the key components of their gas appliances. Rover Units are reminded that it is important to inspect and properly transport gas appliances to prevent the risk of fire or other incidents occurring.

  • Inspect an ensure gas hoses are not damaged
  • Ensure all seals are in place, especially the bullnose or mushroom seal on the end of the regulator (the fitting that screws into the gas cylinder).
  • Ensure that hoses are not “crimped” or crushed by storage in trailers, shelves or in vehicles. It may be worth considering elbow adaptors fitted by appropriately skilled persons to prevent hoses being kinked in transport, causing premature failure
  • Ensure they are clean and don’t have excessive amounts of oil & fats on them

Energy Safe Victoria have some very useful information available on their website for Outdoor Gas Safety (

Additionally, see this video from Energy Safe Victoria and the Metropolitan Fire Brigade.

Thank you for your understanding and adherence to the above rules. We look forward to having a safe, incident free and enjoyable Surfmoot! See you there!

Got any questions?

Email us, or message us via social media!